Cigar connoisseurs know that lighting a cigar is not an act; it's a ritual. The experience of savoring a fine cigar starts with the proper tools, and at Special Blue, we provide premium cigar torch lighters designed to elevate each moment. Whether one enjoys a casual smoke or celebrates any special occasion, having a reliable torch lighter ensures the burn is even, thus enhancing one's enjoyment.
A Brief History of Cigars
Cigars possess a rich history, from when the indigenous people of the Americas rolled dried leaves of tobacco for ceremonial purposes. With time, cigars have gained a common reputation for relaxation, sophistication, and celebration. To do justice to that cigar, one must ensure it is taken care of, right down to how it is lit. A torch lighter will give precision and continuity, honoring the craftsmanship inside every cigar.
Why Use a Torch Lighter for Cigars?
Torch lighters have become the preferred choice for lighting cigars due to their high-powered flames and reliability. Here’s why:
1. Even Burn
Torch lighters provide a concentrated flame that allows you to toast the foot of your cigar evenly. This prevents uneven burns and ensures a smooth draw throughout your smoking experience.
2. Wind Resistance
Whether you’re outdoors on a breezy patio or enjoying a round of golf, a torch lighter’s wind-resistant flame ensures consistent ignition in any environment.
3. Quick and Efficient
Torch lighters, like the Monster Pro Torch from Special Blue, produce flames that reach up to 2,500°F. This high heat allows for quick toasting and lighting without overexposing the cigar to flame, preserving its flavor.
4. Precision
The adjustable flame control on Special Blue’s Grenade PIXELS Torch and Avenger Neo Torch gives you full control over the intensity, ensuring the perfect toast for any cigar size.
Top Picks for Cigar Torch Lighters
1. Monster Pro Torch
- Dual-flame capability for quick and even toasting.
- Bold artistic design that stands out in any collection.
- Wind-resistant and refillable for long-term use.
2. Grenade PIXELS Torch
- Unique grenade-inspired design for a comfortable grip.
- Single, powerful flame with precision flame control.
- Durable and portable for on-the-go cigar lovers.
3. Avenger Neo Torch
- Sleek, modern design with ergonomic handling.
- Adjustable flame settings for ultimate control.
- Compact size, perfect for both indoor and outdoor use.
Butane Lighters for Cigar Enthusiasts
For those who prefer a softer flame, Special Blue also offers a range of butane lighters like the Classic Metal Lighter. These provide a traditional lighting experience, ideal for cigars with more delicate wrappers.
How to Light a Cigar with a Torch Lighter
Lighting your cigar properly is key to preserving its flavor and structure. Here’s how to do it right:
- Toast the Foot: Hold the cigar at a 45-degree angle and use your torch lighter to toast the foot evenly. Avoid direct contact with the flame to prevent scorching.
- Rotate for Evenness: Rotate the cigar as you toast, ensuring the entire foot is evenly lit.
- Puff and Light: Once toasted, bring the cigar to your mouth and gently puff while applying the flame. Continue rotating for a smooth, even burn.
Why Choose Special Blue for Your Cigar Lighter?
Special Blue is committed to providing high-quality, stylish, and reliable lighters that enhance your cigar-smoking experience. Our cigar torch lighters are designed with performance and safety in mind, making them the perfect companion for any cigar enthusiast. Plus, our clean-burning butane refills ensure your lighter performs flawlessly every time.
Final Thoughts
Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of cigars, having the right tools makes all the difference. Special Blue’s collection of cigar torch lighters and butane lighters offers something for everyone, combining style, functionality, and durability. Explore our collection today and find the perfect lighter to complement your next cigar experience.